Earlier this week I was scheduled to teach a Marketing Fundamentals workshop at the KRVC office in Riverdale.
I taught 2 previous workshops there in the past couple of months – one a vision board party and the other about Instagram. Both were really fun with about a dozen people in attendance – the perfect amount for the intimate KRVC office.
I was hoping and expecting the same turnout for this workshop but when 7pm rolled around (the official start time) it was me and a big old platter of cheese meant for a dozen people!
At first fear and self doubt kicked in but I only engaged in that way of thinking for a minute. I thought to myself, well I did my part to show up and the worst that could happen is I stuff myself with cheese and crackers. What could be wrong with that?!? One of my favorite foods!
Sure enough 3 people did end up coming and it turned out great! (and I had to share the cheese!) Instead of me standing up at the front of the room giving a presentation, we all sat together at a table and had the chance to connect and really dig deep on the individual businesses.
It turned out to be more like a group mentoring session than a workshop – being able to give personalized solutions to their individual business needs.
In this case, as is true most times, it was quality over quantity that won out. When you make the effort to show up great things can happen! Connections are made, relationships are started or strengthened and business happens!
So next time you want to put yourself out there whether it’s to run a workshop, write a blog post, start a Facebook group or anything else, just show up and do it and don’t focus on the numbers. Whether it’s 1 or 1000, you can still make a difference and an impact.
Quality over Quantity.
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