Some people binge on Netflix, I choose to binge on Skillshare classes! I love watching creative classes like watercolor, hand lettering and nature journaling. It’s become part of my evening routine – a great way to wind down from a busy day.
I recently stumbled upon this Mindful Mandala class and really enjoyed it! The instructor talked about art as a mindful practice and I totally agree! Mindfulness X Creativity all the way!
My favorite section in the class was about creating nature inspired mandalas using flowers. I knew I had to try it so when I was out and about and saw this bunch of yellow flowers I immediately bought them. I was really taken by the uniform size of each flower. For under $5 I had a new creative activity to try out!
This was so much fun! I’ll admit I felt a little guilty about dismantling my new fresh flowers so I waited a few days before cutting them up.
I spent at least an hour creating and photographing these designs. It felt good to try something new and experiment with zero expectations. All other thoughts left my mind other than finding the right flower and leaves and coming up with various combos. Definitely a form of mediation for me!
This was a great artist date and something you can easily do with kids. Have you had any artists dates recently? What did you do? Not sure what I’m talking about? Go get yourself a copy of The Artist’s Way and find out. It’s a MUST READ for all creatives!
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