I just passed the 3 month mark after my surgery for throat cancer caused by the HPV virus back in May. In a way it feels weird – like it’s just a distant memory and I think – did that really happen? In other ways my life is still somewhat affected by it as you’ll read below. If you’re new here and are interested in how it all began you can catch up from the beginning here.
Here’s the latest update…
My Throat
I still feel something in the back of my throat when I swallow. I compare it to when you eat an apple and a piece of the skin gets caught – it just feels like there’s always something there. I imagine this is just scar tissue and still in the healing process. If that’s all it is then it’s totally liveable this way.
My Neck:
Because 2 lymph nodes on the left side of my neck tested positive for HPV cancer, the surgeon had to take out a lot more for testing. While I still look like my neck was slashed, it definitely is healing. The line is still red but it’s definitely getting better. I put Aquaphor on it daily and sunscreen when I’m out. Sometimes when out I also wear a bandanna or light scarf around my neck – to hide it from the sun. But honestly I’ve been pretty lax about it mostly relying on my hair to cover it up. If anyone has a cooler idea for neckwear let me know!
The left side of my neck is also still numb because they had to tie off the nerves. This doesn’t bother me at all.
My Knee & Ankle
About a week and a half after surgery I still wasn’t eating a lot and would sometimes get light headed. One morning I popped out of bed really quickly to go to the bathroom and blacked out / fainted on my way. I must have twisted my leg and ankle on my way down. There’s still a discomfort and slight swelling near my ankle. I notice a discomfort in my knee when I’ve been sitting too long or if I have to kneel down.
My Weight
I initially lost about 11 pounds after surgery and for the most part (give or take a pound) I’ve maintained that weight. I feel like this is my ideal weight – I was gaining some weight in the past few years and now I dropped a size and my clothes fit more comfortably. Now I need to focus on strength and toning – zero muscle tone! 🙂
Food / Eating
While I’m not as crazy strict as I was when I was first diagnosed, the food and the way I eat has become a lifestyle. I still haven’t eaten red meat or cheese and avoid sugar and processed food as much as possible. The food I eat is well thought out and intentional – not just grab and go.
I make sure to eat blueberries daily as well as my shot of Apple Cider Vinegar and drink at least one cup of green tea.
The most noticeable changes in my diet have been eliminating cheese and Tropicana Orange Juice. I used to have both of these daily. Cheese was my favorite food and it wasn’t until I eliminated it that I realized just how much of it I ate! As far as juice goes, I would drink it now if it was freshly squeezed and watered down but for the most part I just drink water all day.
I noticed I can’t taste as well if something is really cold or really hot and everything seems to need more salt. Still trying to work that one out when I cook!
Doctor Visits
My last follow up was sometime in June. I go back in September for another Pet scan and follow up visits with my doctor, clinical study team and speech pathologist (to check on swallowing)
My Mindset
I’m still really positive, but have noticed I’m back to letting things get to me, and getting myself worked up – whether it’s dishes left in the sink or getting annoyed when the bunnies jump on the couch (I”m sooo not an animal person!). This tells me I need to reread Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life and start forgiving and releasing more. I also stopped sketching and don’t listen to George Lopez comedy as often as I did months back. I definitely want to make these two things more of a priority again – creativity and laughter!
My Business
Back to normal!! I didn’t book any photo shoots in May other than one I had 2 days before surgery. I had other work I could do at home from my computer and then started booking shoots again starting in June.
Medical Bills
There is so much paperwork and mail! Bills from the hospital and doctors as well as paperwork from the insurance company for each individual visit or procedure. We have a high deductible with our insurance so I’m still reconciling and paying things off.
I’ll give another update sometime in September after all of my follow ups. As always if you have any questions please let me know.
Thank u for sharing your very personal story Stacey! U r an inspiration and a very strong person whether u believe it or not much like your sis-in-law Maria. I am glad u finally decided to share with us, but am hopeful u will feel comfortable enuf to share anything in the future. I am always available for a chat or bouncing stuff around, in other words a bitch fest! I am glad u have a doctor friend, that is always a plus. Wishing u best of health and know u will continue to have improvement and a successful September report. Keep me in the loop pls. Love u and your fantastic positivity!
Thanks so much Donna!!! Have an amazing time next week in WW!!
I admire your grit. This is a sheerly terrifying yet honest story. You told it so well.
I am sending you good thoughts of good health –
(Laura) Mom to a child from your photography class back in 2011
Thanks so much Laura!
Wow – 2011 – seems so long ago! 🙂