In this month’s group coaching call with the members of Visualize To Materialize, the main topic of conversation was how to actually get started posting on social media.
The “how” isn’t usually the main issue. When I dug deeper, it became apparent that it was more of a mindset, fear and limiting beliefs issue.
After we worked through some of those issues we moved onto the more tactical things to do.
I suggested creating an introductory post as your first post or if you haven’t posted in a long time, reintroduce yourself.
Let people know who you are, what to expect to hear and see from you.
Decide for yourself what’s too personal and off limits for you to share. After that, make a list of these three categories…
What is your message or inspiration? Will you be showing your creative work? What’s the message and meaning behind it? If you’re also an educator or coach, what message do you feel you need/want to share?
What does your audience want and need to hear?
What areas and topics are you willing to share about your life? There’s no rule to say what’s too personal. Everyone has their own limits. Know what yours are but definitely share tidbits of your own life.
You may think you’re an artist or a creative but you’re also a personal brand and people not only want to buy your work and services they also want to know the person behind the work!
I talk about this in these 2 recent videos.
On Instagram I did a reel about creating easy profile pics.
On Facebook I touched on fears and limiting beliefs and tips for your introductory post.
Watch them and let me know if you have any further questions about it.
Also contact me or comment below if you want info about the program I mentioned where you can get ongoing support for your creative goals.
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